Updated on 05/09/2024

Dependancy Insurance

What is a dependancy insurance? — Dependancy insurance refers to insurance coverage specifically designed to support individuals who require assistance with daily living activities due to old age, illness, or disability. It provides financial support to cover the costs associated with care services, either at home or in a specialised facility. This type of insurance is crucial for ensuring that people who become dependent can maintain a decent quality of life without placing a financial burden on their families.

Who is eligible for the dependancy insurance? — In Luxembourg, any person who becomes dependent on assistance as a result of physical or mental incapacity and who needs help with more than three basic activities of daily living (such as eating, bathing, or moving around) may qualify for dependancy insurance.

What are the benefits of the dependancy insurance? — This insurance covers a range of services, including personal care (help with washing, dressing, eating), nursing care, home adaptations, and support for caregivers. Benefits are provided in kind, meaning that the insured person receives services rather than direct cash payments.

How is the dependancy insurance financed in Luxembourg? Dependancy insurance is usually financed by social security contributions (mandatory contributions from working individuals) and public funds. It may also involve individual contributions based on personal income and wealth.

What is the contribution rate for the dependancy insurance in Luxembourg? — The contribution rate for dependancy insurance is set at 1.4% of an employee's gross income. This rate is standardised for all employees to ensure equal participation in the financing of the care system. The contribution rate may vary in the future.

How is the dependancy insurance deducted? — The contribution for dependancy insurance is deducted directly from an employee’s gross salary as part of the payroll process. Employers are responsible for calculating this deduction and transferring it to the relevant social security authorities. 

What is the scope of the dependancy insurance application? — All residents of Luxembourg are subject to dependency insurance contributions. Non-residents who work in Luxembourg and are covered by its social security system are also required to pay these contributions. 

What is the employers’ role in the dependancy insurance process? — Employers are responsible for withholding the dependancy insurance contributions from employees' salaries and ensuring that these amounts are paid to the CCSS (Centre Commun de la Sécurité Sociale). This is part of the broader payroll management responsibilities that also include income tax and other social security contributions. 

Synonyms : Long-term care insurance, dependency insurance, care insurance, nursing care insurance, elder care insurance, personal care insurance
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