Updated on 06/09/2024

Employer Identification Number (EIN)

What is the employer identification number? — The employer identification number (matricule employeur) or EIN refers to the unique employer identification number issued by the Social Security Center (CCSS) in Luxembourg. It is used to identify employers in the system and to manage social security contributions, taxes, benefits and other administrative purposes.

What is the Social Security Center (CCSS)? — The CCSS is the central body responsible for administering the social security system in Luxembourg. It handles the registration, collection of contributions and payment of benefits for various social security schemes.

Why is the employer identification number important? — Having an employer identification number is mandatory for employers in Luxembourg. It ensures compliance with social security regulations, facilitates the payment of social security contributions for employees, and is necessary for the management of employee benefits such as health insurance, pensions, and unemployment insurance.

What is the registration process for the employer identification number? Employers must register with the CCSS when they hire their first employee by filling out the Operating declaration" (Déclaration d'exploitation) form. Once registered, they will receive an employer identification number that they will use in all their relations with the Social Security Center. Click here for a direct link to the document.

How is the employer identification number used? — Employers use this number in their communications and transactions with the CCSS, including submitting payroll information, paying social security contributions, and filing various social security related documents.

Do self-employed individuals receive an employer identification number? The employer identification number is used by businesses, non-profit organizations, and any entity that employs workers. The self-employed also receive a similar identification number for their social security contributions.

Can a company have more than one employer identification number? Typically, a company has one employer identification number, but there may be different numbers for different branches or subsidiaries, depending on the structure of the business.

Synonyms : Employer Registration Number, Social Security Employer ID, Employer Identification Number (EIN), Social Security Contribution Number 
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