Wage indexation in Luxembourg - March 2025
Discover the social parameters for 2025, including the current salary indexation. Find all the details on Salary.lu.
- Year: 2025
- Month: March
- Valid from: January 1, 2025
- Index: 944,43
18 years and over, unqualified:
- Minimum reference wage at index 100: 279,30
- Minimum monthly wage: 2.637,79 €
- Minimum hourly wage: 15,2473 €
17 - 18 years:
- Minimum reference wage at index 100: 223,44
- Minimum monthly wage: 2.110,23 €
- Minimum hourly wage: 12,1979 €
15 - 17 years:
- Minimum reference wage at index 100: 209,48
- Minimum monthly wage: 1.978,34 €
- Minimum hourly wage: 11,4355 €
18 years and over, qualified:
- Minimum reference wage at index 100: 335,16
- Minimum monthly wage: 3.165,35 €
- Minimum hourly wage: 18,2968 €
* Amounts are given in gross and based on a full-time employment of 40 hours per week.
Understanding the consequences of these adjustments is essential for both employees and employers. The goal is to maintain a harmonious balance in the cost of living and strengthen the well-being of the workforce.
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Evolution to date
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